What is up Champs and Champettes! We are back we are on Principle Number 7 and we have got some aiming hacks for you today! Some of them have already been talked about in previous principles, and some of these are going to be brand new so let's get into it.
In Principle Number 1 of the PuttConfidently Approach we talked about painting the pole, and how that makes about 30% of the basket more available for a catching area compared with putting on just a horizontal plane. So if you haven't seen that go check that out.
In Principle Number 2 we talked about having your front foot pointed forward, not to the left, not to the right if you are a lefty, but going straight at the basket. This is going to help with your aiming left and right if that's where you're missing, and especially if you're missing short and left definitely go check out Principle Number 2 and see what we have to say there. That's an aiming hack for you.
We also had a little aiming hack in Principle Number 5 where we talked about freezing the degrees of freedom in your elbow which can really help with your aim especially if you're missing left and right. If you're moving your elbow around a lot it has to be perfect for you to get the disc in the basket.
The addition we have to Principle Number 5 that can really help with your aiming is to remember how we talked about having the the elbow bent at about 45°. If you watch my arm here you can see that the sort of middle of my forearm is lined up very well with the middle of my quadricep, and that is a sort of passive way, especially on your weight shift back, for you to keep the keep part of your putt right online from the very beginning.
I've added something new to it that I want to share with you guys and it's an extra line of aiming. A thought for you to have is to actually think about this little bone bone that's sort of under your sternum. it's called the xiphoid process. This little piece of bone here I don't even know why it's there. If we add a little bit of thinking about this xiphoid process because that is what the disc is actually really lined up with, and it's like a railroad track just keeping your putt really on line.
So we're going to show some examples here. This is getting to be about 20 feet here. Now this is the line that the disc is going to fly on, this is the line that my xiphoid process is going to be lined up on. I'm going to have my forearm kind of getting split in half by my quadricep and they're going to go right through the champcap solo. Barely on the first one. So that's sort of putting all those three together and working with what we have.
One of the best aiming hacks really honestly that's out there right now is this guy standing right next to me right here, the champcap solo. As you can see it limits the target area and it limits the movement solutions that allow for success. It lets you figure out your own ways or how to self-organize your own motion to make it happen, instead of going through and breaking down all these 10 principles. This is honestly probably a faster way to do it your own way. We still love what we're doing here with the PuttConfidently Approach, we think it's really going to help, but honestly picking up champcap solo at PuttConfidently.com is probably the fastest way to improve your aim, and to improve your putt overall.
As far as up and down goes we cover a lot of that in in Principle Number 1 with painting the pole. We really think that's that's going to help. There's other ideas out there though. Gannon Buhr talks about aiming at the band and letting the disc drop. I don't know about that. I think that can get a little risky. We are a much bigger fan of aiming for center chains as far as height goes. Aiming for center chains gives you the most room for error if you screw up a little bit.
If you have a headwind you will want to aim a little lower than center chains. If you have a tailwind you will want to aim a little higher than center chains. That is all very variable depending on the level of wind for that day. If it's getting up to 10 or 15 miles an hour consistently you might need to aim at the at the band. If it's a pretty strong tailwind you might need to aim at the bottom of the cage if it's a pretty strong headwind even from 20 feet but again that's all going to be very circumstantial. All right that's going to wrap it up for Principle Number 7 our aiming hacks. Check in with us next Thursday we're going to have some straddle putting tips so we will catch you later!